Seeing the truth
Well I failed, I didn't check in before another 5 months and 18 days went by, instead I let another 8 months and 21 days pass us by. So a lot has happened in that time, I've been totally cleared by all my specialists, brain is good no more neurologist, eyes are good no more eye specialist and to top it off no more visits with my surgeon I have been cleared to just check in with my regular GP and cured myself of the pressure on my brain through losing an amazing 63.8kg. I've been loving living my new healthier life, and had a ball over in America with my family over Christmas and New Years, I was sick for some of it but I was able to bounce back and have a ball riding quad bikes, shooting guns and playing in the leaves with my niece and nephew. I allowed photos to be taken without worrying about how I might look in them and it felt amazing. Before I went away I entered a comp to win a free boudoir photo shoot, I got a phone call from a lady named Alice telling me I had w...