CPAP follow up

So I've been sleeping blissfully with my new love for a week now! And let me tell you it gets a bit crowded in my bed with my husband, 2 beagles, on occasion 2 cats and now my CPAP machine, however this newest addition is such a huge help that I don't mind the space it takes up or the discomfort it sometimes causes.

I went into the chemist for the one week follow up appointment today and there was only 1 bad night on my readings and I'll tell you that story in a moment. But first the positive points beyond my general feelings of awakeness and joy. My apnea episodes have gone from 17-26 every hour to 1-3 an hour and are far shorter in length thanks to my CPAP machine working its little box off to keep me breathing.

I find it's cool to see those technical results and of course there was the night where I was in the red, now this isn't the machines fault. I filled it up, plugged it in, put it on and powered it up and headed off to sleep as usual. However when I woke up, pulled it off, switched it off, unplugged it and packed it away I realised I'd only been asleep for 3 hours... so I rolled over and went back to sleep without it...

I woke up the next morning not knowing exactly why I did it, I was still half asleep and didn't think to put it back on apparently. According to the chemist this is not uncommon once we get into a habit of the machine we can go into autopilot, so apparently I thought it would be fun to autopilot ruin my nights sleep.

Despite that small hiccup I've adjusted to the use of the machine well and don't wake up from the mask pulling anymore. The only thing I really wake up from now is the odd time I have an apnea and my mouth drops open resulting in a weird vacuum like sound as air goes in the nose and rushes out of my mouth. A quick adjustment of shutting my gob and it's back to the sweet embrace of a fitful sleep again.

Moral of the story, small hiccups do happen still but in the grand scheme of things they are but a grain of sand in the road and really don't hinder the effectiveness of my sleep much or at all. Except when I decide to remove the machine completely in my sleep like a damn fool, but they never said the machine could fix my own stupidity :P

xx Sarah


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