2 week anniversary!

Wow 2 weeks down already, today is an exciting day. I get to start on puree's, I've had my follow up dietitian and physician appointments and I get to go back to work on light duties. Don't get me wrong sitting at home has it's perks but when you can't really do anything it gets a bit boring.

So lets start with how my 2 weeks of recovery have gone. By far the worst part for me were the stabbings from the husband every night. I even got a wiked bruise from one of them, my husband on the other hand loved the fact that he was allowed to stab me. By which I mean the clexane injections, aka blood thinners to ensure I didn't get blood clots. Thank goodness they finished up around 4 days ago and let me just say it has been lovely not having to have any more, lets hope I never have to again. I also have to admit, I'm thankful Callum could do it for me, I'm pretty sure I never would have been able to stab myself.

As for "food" being on the liquid diet hasn't been so bad. Sure I get jealous when my husband sits down with something that smells amazing and he can actually bite into but I've found some pretty tasty liquids as well. For instance the pumpkin soup from Dome is awesome! Full of flavor and easily does 3-4 meals, just take the excess home in a coffee cup!

Another perk was dobbing my husband in as the mucles to help my uncle move house, and oh what a shame I could only supervise and make lunches. In all honesty though, I wish I could have helped, I hated standing around feeling useless while everyone else chipped in with the heavy lifting.

I've loved, maybe a little too much watching the weight just slip away these 2 weeks. I've had no self control and weighed myself practically everyday and yes I know its bad and I shouldn't do it but I've never had weight falling off on a daily basis either, it was just too tempting. However I know things are bound to slow down and potentially even stop for a while so I will be making more of an effort to restrict my scale time to once a week, which will hopefully be easier once I'm busy with work.

So I think it's time we talked results!! Remember these are for 5 weeks total, 3 weeks pre op and 2 weeks post op, so here we go. 17.5kg lost, gone, kicked to the cerb and never coming back! As well as 42cm vanished from a combination of my chest, waist, hips, thighs and biceps. Now I know the numbers are good, way better than I have ever accomplished on my own before! However I didn't believe people who were telling me they could see a difference, because I couldn't see it, yes my clothes were looser and yes I knew it was working but I couldn't SEE it.

That was until I put my before photo smack bang right up next to my now photo. Let me tell you right now, I swore, I was so shocked by the results I sat there for 10min just staring at the 2 pictures while my husband drove around carousel carpark trying to find an open spot so we could go see a movie on Friday. Once we realised it was black Friday we promptly gave up and went to Armadale instead, much less crazy. But back on track, it just goes to show how important taking pictures is because we very rarely see the changes in the mirror, so you need some way to see for yourself that all your friends and family aren't just being nice when they say they can see a change in you.

As for the dietitian and physician appointments, both were extremely pleased with how I was healing and my progress. I even got the okay to start experimenting with actual real food that I get to chew!! Yes it still has to be soft food but still, after 2 weeks of liquids and some puree, real food is exciting!!!

Well that is pretty much everything for now, I'm about to head into work for my first shift in 5 weeks, on light duties of course, no heavy lifting allowed, I'll have to keep reminding myself of that one.

xx Sarah


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