Sip sip sipping my way to recovery

5 days post op...

Can you believe it's already 5 days since I had my operation? I sure can't, and yet I am still waiting for all the horrible recovery symptoms to hit that I was warned about through research and talking to friends who have had the surgery. As well as that which I witnessed first hand through my neighbour in the hospital who suffered with nausea and pain far worse than I.

Seriously, I haven't felt nauseous since midnight the first night when I had a small spew, and I haven't taken any of my anti nausea tablets or pain killers since leaving the hospital on Wednesday morning. By Thursday night I was sleeping mostly on my stomach again and getting my min 1 and a half Liters in without any ill effects through sipping slowly throughout the day.

Now I know I am soo lucky to be having such an easy recovery and I really feel for those who struggle. For me though if it wasn't for the fact that I no longer feel hungry I would be questioning if they had even performed my surgery. I still get a little bit of discomfort with things like coughing, yawning, hiccups and sneezing as they do pull on the stomach but other than that I feel amazing.

I think it's going to be hard to stick to the light duties I need to be on for the pure and simple fact it is too easy to forget that I have had a pretty major surgery quite recently and I do need to be careful. But I will endeavor to be a good child and keep reminding myself to take it easy even though I hate not being able to just get things done at least until the doctor signs me off.

As for "food" I've been busy practicing my sipping, constantly sipping my water all throughout the day. Taking 2 hours each morning to drink a 250ml up and go, yes it takes me that long, I tried to cut it down to 1 and a half once and I felt too full. Lunch and dinner have been easy, 1 can of the tomato soup for one split between the two meals and I'm set.

I mix things up with some juices, diet jelly and the occasional frosty fruits icy pole which have been amazingly refreshing in this horrible heat. And thanks to the fact that I don't actually feel hungry I have found myself able to be around other people who are eating real food without feeling resentful which has been great. Don't get me wrong I'm still hanging out for some actual texture in the foods I can eat, but it's amazing how not being physically hungry can make the restrictions that much easier to bear.

So that is how I am going so far, I lost 11kg pre surgery and have already shed another 3kg since surgery and am excited to see what results the future has in store. For full stats and exact weights check my vital stats page.

xx Sarah


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